Yet more false flags! This election year they are pulling out all the stops. I wonder how many more they will pull out of their hat before November? Difficult to say but I have no doubt they will continue. “The beatings will end when morale improves!” Is there a goal behind these increased attacks beyond the usual election shenanigans? Of course there are.
Obviously the first goal is for expanded gun control. This happens with every Democrat administration and the Republicans will continue to oppose it up until it is time to vote. Case and point the recent passage of the “Red Flag Law” bill. Admittedly this one wasn’t nearly as bad as it could have been as it only gives funding to states to implement these regulations instead of mandating them federally. However I don’t believe this to be the main angle they are working.
There will be no serious “gun grab” in the United States. Who would enforce such a measure? Surely not the politicians. They would require a bit of skin in the game. The military? Unlikely as still a sizable majority of the enlisted members (the ones who would actually be responsible for executing the order) do not believe that to be a lawful order and would either refuse or actively attempt to prevent confiscations. Law Enforcement would be the most likely to do it. Though not Feds. There are simply not enough Federal Law Enforcement officers to enact this. States would vary on its enforcement and so would localities. The pension chasers who would be gung-ho are also more likely to be located in areas where this is already de facto in place. Think New York, Chicago, Seattle or any other large city. So limited affect.
How would a real disarmament go down then? I think we already have the blueprints in California and Illinois. Both have gone after ammunition. The former through required background checks on all purchases of ammunition and the later has the additional requirement of a license to purchase ammunition. This is the same license that is the requirement to own a firearm the so called “FOID” card. Without the food the boom stick becomes just a stick. Still threatening but much greatly reduced in capacity. Arduous processes to obtain ammunition and increased economic strain provides the fuel for their tyranny. The choice becomes between purchasing ammo or food most will choose food. Those hardcore few who opt for ammo can only do so for so long as well. Limiting access to components also becomes a key factor to consider. The cover of the logistical challenges from the manufactured “Supply Chain Crisis” only works to their benefit.
The greater goal all this violence serves is to continue to put the American people on edge. The constant fear of death and violence is the tactical brainwashing of the masses. As we have discussed before, a scared person is a more easily manipulated person. Depression and deep mental illness brought on by the constant bombardment of “impending doom” by the media fuels further copy cats and violence. The violence begets violence. Fragmented people continue to fragment others. Divided we continue to watch our rapid descent into destruction.
It is a vicious cycle that continues to churn its way through every person in this country. The lack of action sets off another disturbed person who falls into the same trap as the one before. Then that shooting is followed closely by the media and blasted into the screens and mind of the next addled person to then kill. It feeds into itself. On the flip side the slightly more level headed but otherwise addled young person who would otherwise be galvanized into decisive action to other throw or replace the elite by force is also stunted due to his perception that he will be caught in a fed psyop like the others and be lost to history. Or worse used as a pawn in a greater game.
Constant violence and destruction serves to disarm us. Physically of arms of course but more pressingly in mental clarity and spiritual fitness. As our collective Nous is clouded we continue to stray further from God. Ultimately to our destruction. I will leave this here. I have a few other topics to speak about this week that are somewhat related to this topic. Namely the liturgical season of sodomy and the recent Supreme Court rulings.