Must be an Election Year
This year has been increasingly popping off with increasing intensity. From mass shootings to continued logistical challenges the country just looks to be getting worse. What gives? Why is it that two years after the plague things are actually worse than at the height of Kung Flu? Easy! It’s another Election Year!!!!
I continue to notice a disturbing and saddening trend of a spike in mass violence every other year. At first I thought it might simply be the seasons or weather or some weird magnetic shift that for some reason has everyone out of whack. That is not the case. Think… What happens every even numbered year in the (dis-) United States? Federal Elections. Where your “favorite” politicians all line up to beg for your money to allow them to accomplish nothing. Lining their pockets all the while subverting our once great nation. I won’t speak on this aspect much though since I have already covered that topic.
This year has seen a sharp uptick in the insanity than even the last election year. Hard to believe that the Summer of Mostly Peaceful Riots and Global Pandemic is actually a fond memory compared to what we have had even to this point in the year. Mass shootings seemingly ever few days, food shortages, baby formula shortages, oil shortages, massive inflation, chip shortages, massive increases in illegal immigration (see invasion), despicable racial theories taught to our children, open serialization of children and so on and so forth.
Any usual Election we might get maybe two or three of these but not all of these combined. Some of this is to sway public opinion. I do not doubt that. It is to make like hurt and sting when we are naughty. Other aspects of this further the end goal of the elites. Mass immigration for example is one of the more transparent.
Mass immigration is a multi pronged attack. Not only does it increase competition in the labor force it depresses the wages of the citizens already here. More people willing to work for next to nothing. How can anyone reasonably compete with that? You simply can’t. Americans are simply pushed aside either towards the government teat or just nonexistence. Especially for the low skilled labor market largely filled by minorities. Mass immigration also has the effect of eroding the culture of a nation. Both in the regular day to day aspects as well as the moral culture. People come to the US and maintain their own culture with their own people just in America. They suck away our resources to send back to their countries all the while failing to contribute here. Also the morality of these people are often questionable. They are typically willing to lie, cheat, steal or do whatever to get here and continue to do the same while here. They also serve the side purpose of changing demographics. I will save that for a future discussion
Demographics are destiny. Demographics are destiny. Demographics are destiny.
Joe Scarborough, MSNBC
Mass shootings are another multi pronged attack. Lesser in scope though important nevertheless. Obviously the first approach they take with mass shootings is the gun control angle. Without the threat of retaliation the powers at be can act with impunity furthering their agenda. Though I doubt many gun owners in America truly would put up a resistance to any encroachment the implicit threat remains. The second more subversive insinuation is the promotion of fear of indiscriminate violence. Nameless, faceless, reason-less violence keeps the people in line for whatever is around the corner. Don’t forget the PATRIOT Act was passed with the fear of another 9/11 attack. Fear is a method of mind control they use to control and steer the masses in the direction they choose.
The last attack I will focus on will actually be several wrapped into one with a common focus… the various attacks on children. Abortion is back in the press with the leak of a possible Supreme Court ruling around the corner. “Ritualistic killing must continue! It is a matter of religious freedom!” says the coalition of Satanists and Jews. Though I repeat myself. Then we have the baby formula shortage. Preventing parents from providing for their children. If that doesn’t get them then their sexulization will eventually kill them. Either physically or spiritually it doesn’t matter to the elites. If they can’t kill people before they are born, they try to starve them. If they can’t starve them, they kill them with sexual grooming. All in the plan for depopulation.
All these happens are not by coincidence. They are not through incompetence either. There is no way for it to be either. Every single piece of this plan has been laid out already. We continue to slip and slide into this trap. The Red Dribble will come. This is the plan. The republicans will come in with a majority and make what we have now the status quo. Cool the temperature before coming back with a vengeance. Do not be fooled by the red mirage. As the smoke and mirrors continue, remember it is an Election Year.